Vicki Dansky’s
Fundraising Page

Vicki Danksy  
UpStart Board Member

Raised to Date!

Goal: $1,800

I deeply care about the Jewish future and make it a priority to support entrepreneurs and organizations who are creating relevant and meaningful connection to Jewish life and values for a wide and diverse community. As an accelerator, UpStart provides resources, network and expert training and mentorship to visionaries of all Jewish backgrounds to strengthen their ideas into highways of Jewish participation. I knew my support of UpStart was important before the October 7th terror in Israel, but now I am convinced that advancing innovation and growing new ways to connect to Jewish life and community is essential especially in light of the antisemitism and polarization that’s been unleashed. 

As someone with a broad view of the Jewish world, I feel a personal responsibility to ensure that my children and grandchildren opt in to Jewish life and experiences in ways that speak to them. My husband and I care deeply about Israel and will continue to support Israel especially during this profound crisis. At the same time, we know it is more important than ever to make sure that our community and the diaspora remain strong, relevant and vibrant. The excitement of being part of the selection process and witnessing the birth of these ventures gives me hope for the future for our children and grandchildren and the generations that follow.

UpStart is a cause that I wholeheartedly believe in. It is strengthening opportunities and cutting edge experiences for people all over the country, from large communities to smaller ones, to engage with Judaism and Jewish values in meaningful ways. We all have a role to play in co-creating these opportunities and ensuring a thriving Jewish future. I urge anyone who shares this sense of urgency to get involved with UpStart and support innovation and the impact-driven visionaries who are creating a brighter future for our Jewish community and the world we share.

Vicki’s Featured
UpStarter Network Ventures



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