Venture Founder Year Where they are now
Ayecha Yavilah McCoy 2007 CEO and Founder, Dimensions Education
Bat Kol Rabbi Rochelle Robins 2007 Vice President and Dean of the Chaplaincy School at the Academy for Jewish Religion, California
Cohere Rabbi Ari Moffic 2020 Director of Youth and Teen Experiences, MIshkan
Ganei Beantown Leora Mallach 2021 City Council Member, City of Framingham
HEEB Magazine Jennifer Bleyer 2019 Clinical Social Worker, former Editor at Psychology Today
Ivrit with Ivry Rinat Levy-Cohen 2017 Director of Innovation and Technology, Fairfield College Prepartory School
JDub Records Aaron Bisman 2011 Vice President for Audience Development, Sesame Workshop
Jewish Farm School Nati Passow 2019 Director of Operations and Finance, Dayenu
Jewish Public Media David Zvi Kalman 2020 Research Fellow, Hartman Institute
Om Shalom Yoga Zack Lodmer 2022 Instrumentalist, Singer, Songwriter
OMGWTF  Bible David Tuchman  2021 Writer, Podcaster
Online Jewish Academy Hyim Brandes 2015 Director of Technology, Lookstein Center for Jewish Education
Platforma Victoria Anesh 2016 CEO, Fooksman Family Foundation
The Idea School Tikvah Weiner 2023 The Idea Institute
Tamritz Sarah Blattner 2015 Educator
The Chutzpah Network Dr. Tobin Belzer 2003 Sociologist and Research are University of Southern CA
Zshuk: Art Institute Zhenya Plechkina 2015 Artist