Lev Tsypin’s
Fundraising Page

Lev Tsypin 
UpStart Board Member

Raised to Date!

Goal: $1,800

As a mission-driven entrepreneur, I have always been drawn to organizations that combine capitalism with altruism. That’s why when I first learned about UpStart, a Jewish organization supporting social entrepreneurship, I was immediately intrigued. I was introduced to UpStart through a CEO cohort group. The conversation about the organization naturally arose, and I was struck by their focus on innovation and distribution in the Jewish community.

What stood out to me most was the impact that UpStart had in the Jewish community. The organizations they supported aligned with areas of the Jewish world that I felt comfortable adding value to. This alignment compelled me to give my time, talent, and money to UpStart. I have always believed that personal and professional development should not be separated, and as someone who owes their success to Jewish organizations, I felt a deep sense of responsibility to give back.

I continue to support UpStart because of the incredible ventures they have supported and continue to support. Every time I learn about a new project or initiative they are backing, I was reminded of the important intersection of social entrepreneurship and Jewish identity.

UpStart has been a driving force for me as both a Jew and an entrepreneur. Their commitment to social innovation in the Jewish community is unparalleled, and I feel honored to be able to contribute to their mission. I hope that my involvement with UpStart can inspire others to give back to their own communities, and to support organizations that make a positive impact in the world.

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UpStarter Network Ventures




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