Executive Directors Retreat
UpStart2023-12-22T14:42:17-06:00The senior leadership of UpStart, Joshua Venture Group, Bikkurim, PresenTense, and ROI hold their first retreat with the sponsorship of [...]
Collaboratory Launch
UpStart2023-12-22T14:41:57-06:00UpStart, Joshua Venture Group, Bikkurim, PresenTense, and ROI Community create the Collaboratory, the largest gathering of Jewish innovators in the [...]
From First Fruits to Abundant Harvest
UpStart2023-12-22T14:41:31-06:00Bikkurim in collaboration with UpStart and Joshua Venture publishes a study to mark its 10th anniversary. The study highlights the [...]
Founding of PresenTense
UpStart2023-12-22T14:41:03-06:00Ariel Beery and Aharon Horrowitz develop the PresenTense Institute as a training ground for social entrepreneurs. In collaboration with Federations [...]
Founding of UpStart
UpStart2023-12-22T14:40:33-06:00Toby Rubin and Maya Bernstein conceive the idea for UpStart with the vision of ensuring the vibrancy of Judaism and [...]
Founding of Joshua Venture
UpStart2023-12-22T14:52:06-06:00Three program officers at the Nathan Cummings, Righteous Persons, and Walter and Elise Haas Foundation founded a fellowship for Jewish [...]
Founding of Bikkurim
UpStart2023-12-22T14:52:11-06:00Martin Kaminer approaches UJC (now JFNA) about serving as an incubator for new Jewish ideas. Together with UJC and JESNA, [...]